Asset Finance International - January 2021
Auxillias launch promises a fresh solution to challenges faced by asset lenders
The asset finance industry has long been renowned for its ability to survive crises – and to evolve onwards to thrive and prosper. The recovery from the Great Recession from 2010, for example, was significantly aided by the formation of a breed of new lenders (e.g. challenger banks) and the ancillary services that served and guided them to their subsequent success.
In just such a manner is the latest pandemic challenge being met by the birth of new practitioners who have cast off legacy attitudes towards their clients and who are bringing a fresh approach to their service offerings.
One such is Auxillias, a newly-launched specialist legal and compliance firm for the consumer, asset and motor finance sectors. The co-founders and partners, Jo Davis and Daksha Mistry, told Asset Finance International that they were determined to form a law firm “with a difference”.
Davis explained: “Our clients have always stressed that they would like to have legal and regulatory compliance support all in one place. So our vision was to create a market-leading specialist legal and compliance law firm bringing advisory, consultancy, regulatory and training support services to its clients within these specialist sectors – all under one roof.”
Mistry added: “Clients want their advisers to not just give advice but to support them with implementing advice into their operations.” “We are not,” she stressed, “just lawyers providing legal, regulatory and compliance support – we also provide day-to-day advisory, consultancy and training support to our clients in order to provide all-round solutions.”