Legal notice


Auxillias Limited is a company registered in England & Wales with number 12419806. Auxillias Limited is regulated and authorised by the SRA number 670195. 


The term ‘Partner’ is used to refer to a director of Auxillias Limited or an employee or consultant with equivalent standing and qualifications.  A list of the Partners of Auxillias Limited and non-members designated as Partners is open to inspection at its registered office at Chargrove House, Shurdington Road, Shurdington, Cheltenham GL51 4GA.


Auxillias Limited professional indemnity insurance is provided by Sompo Limited.


In order to provide our services, Auxillias Limited will ask for information about you and the nature of the proposed work for the purpose of conflict checking, client identification procedures and other bona fide purposes.


Frauds and Scams

Please be aware that in order to perpetrate a scam or fraud, criminals may pose as someone from Auxillias Limited.  Usually these scams or frauds are carried out by fake emails suggesting you may receive a financial benefit. The emails often also contain links to supposedly relevant websites. To be effective the scam or fraud requires you to enter into communication with the fraudster, either by responding to the email or clicking the attached link. If you receive an email of this nature do not correspond with the sender.  It is highly unlikely that it originates from Auxillias Limited.  If you are advised that we have changed Auxillias Limited banking details, or are asked for money or your bank details please contact your Auxillias Limited contact – or We report scams that may constitute crimes to the Metropolitan Police and the National Crime Agency and to our regulators, the Solicitors Regulation Authority.


Anti-Money Laundering

In the UK and other jurisdictions in which we operate we are required to identify clients for the purposes of applicable anti-money laundering legislation. Amongst other things, the type of client, its business and the geographical location will dictate the due diligence standard and documentary evidence we are required to obtain in order to do this. Where possible, we will obtain this information from publicly available sources but in circumstances where the information is not available we will need to obtain the information directly from you. If we are not able obtain all the necessary documentation within a reasonable timeframe, we may not be able to act for you.




Auxillias Limited is committed to providing high quality legal advice and client care. In the event of a problem with or a query about the way in which your matter is being handled or if you feel that our services can be improved, we would ask you in the first instance to raise the matter with the Partner with whom you deal or with the head of the business unit or office where the work has been carried out. In the event that you are dissatisfied with any of the services that we have provided to you, it is your right to complain. This includes your right to complain about any bill. Auxillias Limited has a formal complaints procedure, a copy of which can be provided on request. Formal complaints should be addressed to


If, for any reason, we are unable to resolve any problem between us, you may be able to use the complaints and redress procedures operated by the Legal Ombudsman. This service is open certain small businesses and associations. There are time limits on making such a complaint, generally 6 months from our written response to your formal complaint and six years from the act/omission complained of or 3 years from when you should reasonably have known there was cause for complaint. Contact details for the Legal Ombudsman are Phone: 0300 555 0333 or


The Solicitors Regulation Authority is the professional regulator of Auxillias Limited and handles complaints relating to professional misconduct. If you have concerns about our behaviour, you can raise your concerns with the Solicitors Regulation Authority.


Client funds and payments on account

Auxillias Limited does not provide banking services and we will accept client funds only to the extent necessary to undertake professional services for you, and to hold money on account for anticipated costs and expenses including our own. Auxillias Limited holds an office account with Lloyds Bank plc.


Cyber Essentials Assessment - certification acheived

Cyber Essentials is a government-backed scheme to help organisations of all sizes protect themselves and their customers against common cyber-attacks. Gaining certification shows that an organisation is taking the risks of cyber-security and compliance seriously, and taking measures to secure the data they handle.


Auxillias achieved this certification after less than a year of trading and has continued to be ‘Cyber Essentials certified’ every year since - click here for the most recent certificate of assurance. This certification should reassure both public and private sector organisations that, should they choose to do business with Auxillias, their data security and compliance will always be treated as a top priority.