2023 Modern Slavery Statement
This statement is made by Auxillias ("the firm" or "we") under section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 ("the Act") and was approved and signed by Joanne Davis Director and Partner on behalf of Auxillias on 6 October 2020. This constitutes our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the financial year ended 30 April 2020.
Auxillias is a Limited business registered in England and Wales with registered number 12419806.
The term modern slavery is a broad one, and considers someone to be in modern slavery if he or she is in forced labour, servitude, slavery, human trafficking, debt bondage, forced or servile marriage, descent-based slavery or child exploitation. It is a global and growing issue. No sector or industry is exempt from the potential for modern slavery. The Firm has zero tolerance of modern slavery in all its forms and has a responsibility to understand the risks in its business and supply chain and manage those risks accordingly.
As a professional services business, we do not use an extensive range of local or international suppliers where modern slavery or human trafficking would generally be a material risk. Additionally, none of our suppliers are considered key to the business’s ongoing success. However, we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all of our business relationships, and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking does not take place anywhere in the business or supply chains.
The Firm understands that it has a responsibility to continue to assess and mitigate the risk of modern slavery in its supply chain in the long term. While the Firm continues to make progress in this area, future developments will be to update understanding and reassess the nature of that risk, assessing whether policies and controls are appropriate and also to ensuring that controls to manage any risk are operating effectively if that risk arises. It is expected that the nature of the risk may change over time and ongoing vigilance will be required.
During the current financial year, we intend to take the following further steps to combat slavery and human trafficking:
Conduct an annual risk assessment of our supply chains to identify where there may be a higher risk of slavery and human trafficking
Where appropriate, seek written confirmation from suppliers identified as being a higher risk by our risk assessment procedures, concerning their compliance with applicable laws and regulations regarding modern slavery and human trafficking.
Provide training on the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act, where to spot risks of slavery and human trafficking and who such risks should be reported to.
Establish a Procurement Protocol to formalise due diligence procedures that monitor our suppliers' compliance with the Modern Slavery Act and ensure they can be audited.
Monitor government and other large companies’ perspectives on and approaches to modern slavery and actively consider their applicability to the Firm.
Joanne Davis – Director/Partner of Auxillias Limited