Auxillias Consumer Duty Toolkit

The 30 April and 31 July 2023 Consumer Duty deadlines are fast approaching. 

This means there is a very short period of time for firms to get ready and hit these milestones. With this in mind, Auxillias has developed a Consumer Duty Toolkit to help lenders and brokers prepare for the implementation of Consumer Duty in their businesses - and to save time and ultimately the costs associated with this. 
So far, the toolkit includes

1. A number of high-level templates, example of processes and documentation to help firms define their own key processes under Consumer Duty.

2. Post-implementation assurance reviews immediately following the key implementation deadlines in April and July.

3. Advice on identifying manufacturers, distributors, co-manufacturing relationships.

4. A series of training packages on Consumer Duty for lenders and brokers/retail dealers.

5. Support and guidance on the governance aspects of the consumer duty.
Click here to find out more and to be alerted when we add new elements to the toolkit.


Auxillias launches training academy


Consumer Duty Bulletin Part Two - Co-Manufacturing Conundrums