Auxillias Academy: Our Training Support Offering
The team provides a wide range of training to help keep clients up to date on new regulation and FCA and PRA requirements.
Clients have asked us how we might be able to help them implement a compliant regulatory regime that would let their people concentrate on delivering great customer outcomes.
To meet this demand, Auxillias Academy was born, offering all of the things you value about Auxillias in one simple, flexible training approach.
Here are some examples of the training programmes we have run and are regularly asked to carry out for clients:
Showroom dealer and broker sales training on selling motor and asset finance products to meet FCA requirements, especially popular since the findings in the FCA motor finance review.
Annually retained training for asset finance brokers on behalf of a variety of lenders.
Financial Promotions training across the
markets to include training to the motor finance captive marketing agencies to ensure that they produce financial promotions in accordance with the rules.
Supporting firms on the SM&CR regime and ongoing changes, to include training businesses on the conduct rules to meet FCA mandatory requirements.
Regular training on the consumer credit act at basic, intermediate and advance level to include training on the CONC sourcebook and the FCA handbook.
Deliver complaints handling training and
implement effective complaints handling processes and procedures so that finance companies have a fully compliant operation. The team also provide training on effective satisfactory quality of goods complaints management.
Click here to find out more about the Auxillias Academy:
Download our Academy Programme - with details on our most popular training programmes here:
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In addition, we provide tailored training programmes to the sector in a variety of formats, from classroom style to small group webinars.
The material and content can be tailored and delivered to the clients requirements and needs. We can support clients to meet its internal compliance and training requirements dictated by the FCA and as provided in the competency aspects of the Handbook. We also create training programmes for client’s induction programmes as well as creating programmes on a train the trainer basis.