International Women’s Day - #BreakTheBias

Today – 8 March 2021 – is International Women's Day, a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality

The campaign theme for International Women's Day 2022 is ‘BreakTheBias’

Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's equality. Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias.

To mark #IWD2022, we have asked four women in the Auxillias business what their story is and what International Women’s Day means to them. 


Joanne Davis, CEO at Auxillias Limited.

What did you do before you co-founded Auxillias?

I was a partner at Locke Lord and the head of its asset finance division. 

As a woman, how have you found working in the law industry?   

I have enjoyed every minute. A career in law has been extremely kind.    I have been supported by many amazing people throughout my career, both male and female. At c-suite level, it is still predominantly male dominated but it’s getting better.  Launching our own legal and compliance business and working with amazing people that inspire me each day is extremely fulfilling. 

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

It’s a chance for women to be recognised for their achievements and to raise awareness for the challenges women still face. A world where both sexes share equally in the distribution of power and influence is where we really want to get to! Gender equality concerns both men and women and in my view, we should not forget that there is still work to be done on both sides. You can only really make change through the participation of both men and women, so I am not an advocate for solely female lead groups to address gender diversity.

International Women’s Day means less to me now than it did when I first started my career in law as gender equality has improved somewhat since then.  It would be nice to see an International Gender Equality Day to celebrate what we have achieved collectively, whilst at the same time identifying the remaining challenges as a good way to raise awareness and stay focused on what is still left to do. It’s not just gender diversity that is important to me though. I co-lead the Leasing Foundation’s Diversity and Inclusion group and we look at gender equality as part of many other initiatives that all have equal importance. 

What woman has positively impacted you in your career? What’s one lesson she taught you?

I have not personally seen enough female advocates, but this might be because in private practice there are not enough women in senior roles. This is something that needs to improve.  Having said that, I have had the pleasure of working with two most amazing and inspiring female leaders when I worked in-house that taught me to never let fear stop you doing what you want to do and always pursue your career with confidence. 

What advice do you have for women starting out in their careers in the industry? 

Speak your truth and always be authentic. 

What’s your International Women’s Day message to others?  

Be present and live in the moment. Practicing mindfulness is a powerful tool and has helped me tremendously. 

Daksha Mistry, director and partner at Auxillias Limited

What did you do before you co-founded Auxillias?  

I was a consultant for various financial institutions and enjoyed family time and holidays between contracts.

As a woman, how have you found working in the law industry?

Initially very difficult – it was a man’s world and I felt there was no place for a woman of ethnicity and with children.  Where there were women in senior positions, not every woman was understanding of other women’s needs around them.  In some ways it was better to have a male boss!  There is still a lot to do but it is certainly getting better.

This is why setting up our own business, enabled us to create what we wanted, with a wider focus on inclusion.  We are passionate about hiring a diverse workforce. 

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

Recognising that women can be at the forefront of anything they choose to do or be.

What woman has positively impacted you in your career? What’s one lesson she taught you?

My cousin, who is carefree and takes life by the hands and makes the most of everything she does.  Even though she’s experienced some adversity, you would not think that to look at her.  Everything about her exudes positivity and always with glass of wine!  She has taught me to be true to myself and be comfortable in my own skin, but most of all to have fun along the way.

What advice do you have for women starting out in their careers in the industry? Just go for it, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  You will be strong and become even stronger.  By building the right support network around you, the world really can be your oyster!

What’s your International Women’s Day message to others?

Don’t hold back, just go for it, life is too short…!


Carrie Stephenson, legal and governance director at Auxillias Limited

What did you do before you started working at Auxillias?

I was general counsel and company secretary to Mitsubishi Motors UK Group.

As a woman, how have you found working in the law industry?

A rollercoaster but I’m still relishing the ride!  Early on in my career I was told that I needed to “build gravitas” to succeed.  I wasn’t sure how or whether I could accomplish what was expected and so, almost with immediate effect, the self-doubt crept in.   At this point, I’d like to say that I had a chance encounter with a highly influential, successful and respected businessperson who gave me one piece of advice which changed my way of thinking overnight but, alas, that was not the case.  It’s taken many years of my own hard work, determination and resilience to overcome the self-doubt, but I’ve come to realise that gravitas is not my identity and nor does it need to be.  In fact, when I start to unpick gravitas, it’s clear that all I really needed was to be present and authentic.  In short, I just needed to be me.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

It means that there is still work to be done to break the bias!

What woman has positively impacted you in your career? What’s one lesson she taught you?

A rather gregarious colleague now a close friend, beautiful on the inside and out, who taught me, in no uncertain terms, that I’ve a limited amount of f*cks to give so to use them wisely!

What advice do you have for women starting out in their careers in the industry?

“Be authentic - grow your personal brand but focus less on the impression you are making on others and more on the impression you are making on yourself!”

What’s your International Women’s Day message to others?

Be kind.  Support each other so we can get to a point when we don’t have to celebrate International Women’s Day!


Georgina Harbottle, lead legal assistant at Auxillias Limited

What did you do before you started working at Auxillias?

I worked for a large banking group in litigation and later conduct risk.

As a woman, how have you found working in the law industry?

I have found plenty of support and understanding - especially as a mother managing the demands of a busy family life and juggling a career.  My previous role in banking didn’t allow for this and prompted my current career change to Auxillias.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

Women being recognised for their contribution, but on an equal footing devoid of discrimination and prejudice.

What woman has positively impacted you in your career? What’s one lesson she taught you?

Many years ago I had an inspirational female manager who taught me self-belief. With her support and guidance, I took a management course and my CeMAP qualifications. I later became a coach and mentor mirroring her qualities and attributes to ensure others progressed their careers. It’s amazing how her faith in me inspired such positive change for both myself and others. It just goes to show how a great female role model can inspire.

What advice do you have for women starting out in their careers in the industry?

Be confident and take pride in what you do. Treat others how you would like to be treated, always!

What’s your International Women’s Day message to others?

Women are stronger together, so be kind and support one another.



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